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Vanity Deals is on a mission to offer the absolute best price - unheard of prices - for top quality items. We offer exceptional bulk discounts, so we are the perfect fit for contractors, builders, plumbers and more. However if you are just looking for an upgrade to your personal bathroom, we can help you with that too.
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Thinking of building a multiplex?
Are you a small or medium sized building contractor looking for supplies for your next project?
Whether you are building a triplex or a multiple c...

Updating your cottage bathroom without over spending
Its spring again! Yay! For everyone who has a 3-season cottage, it is time to start thinking about going to open those water lines do a good thorough cleaning. Maybe it is time to update your cottage before the summer to allow you to enjoy it even more?
And if you are lucky enough to have a year-round cottage, there is no reason you wouldn't want to update that one to get ready for the summer season full of guests and entertainment!
It is the place you go to escape your everyday life, to relax, to share time with friends, to recenter and rejuvenate, to take in all of nature's beauty, to enjoy your family, and so much more.
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